Sonoelastography Radiology. Sonoelastography is an in situ method that can be used to assess the mechanical properties of soft tissue qualitatively and quantitatively through US imaging techniques Sonoelastography has demonstrated feasibility in the diagnosis of cancers of the breast and liver and in some preliminary work in several musculoskeletal disorders The main types of sonoelastography are compression Author Andrea S Klauser Hideaki Miyamoto Rosa BellmannWeiler Gudrun M Feuchtner Marius C Wick Werner Cited by Publish Year 2014.

The Role Of Shear Wave Elastography In Differentiating Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis From Breast Cancer Academic Radiology sonoelastography radiology
The Role Of Shear Wave Elastography In Differentiating Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis From Breast Cancer Academic Radiology from Academic Radiology

8 Sonoelastography a New Ultrasound Modality for Assessing Tissue Elasticity CF Dietrich H Frey It is well known that inflammatory conditions and tumors lead to an alteration of the normal tissue structure causing hardening of the tissue and a change in its elasticity The elasticity modulus is a measure of the stress that is applied to.

Sonoelastography of the plantar fascia

IntroductionMaterials and MethodsResultsDiscussionAuthor ContributionsPlantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain (1) Despite its selflimiting nature it has substantial impact on patients’ quality of life (2) Although the etiology of plantar fasciitis is multifactorial mechanical overload and degeneration have been regarded as the main factors (3) A prior systemic review revealed that increased age was one of the factors associated with chronic plantar heel pain (4) Agerelated changes in tendons as well as specific changes to the elastic modulus with degeneration have been reported in prior studies (5–7) In some but not all ways plantar fascia is similar to tendons (8) therefore agerelated changes of elastic modulus may also occur in the plantar fascia Sonoelastography is an ultrasonographic (US) imaging technique that allows a noninvasive estimation of tissue stiffness (9) It is based on the fact that soft tissue has greater tissue displacement than hard tissue when externally compressed Sonoelastography allows calculati Study Population The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of our hospital All of the volunteers and patients gave their informed consent Bilateral feet of 40 healthy volunteers were examined The volunteers were divided into younger (18–50 years) and older (> 50 years) groups None of the volunteers had ever participated in any professional sports or longstanding physical activities Each volunteer was asked to avoid longerthanusual standing walking or running for a week prior to imaging Imaging The examination of each plantar fascia included Bmode scanning and sonoelastography and was performed by using an Acuson S2000 US system (Siemens Munich Germany) with a 6–12MHz linear transducer (14L5 Siemens) All examinations were conducted by a physiatrist (CHW) who had 3 years experience in US Each subject was examined lying prone with 90° of knee flexion in the neutral ankle position (15) In a longitudinal view the thickness of the plantar fascia was measured from the anterio Imaging Analysis For qualitative and quantitative imaging analysis we selected a standardized rectangular area of which the shorter side was 2 mm toward the heel from the point of the inferior border of the calcaneus plantar fascia inserted and the long side was 1 cm distal to the insertion (Fig 2) For the qualitative description we used the following visual grading system grade 1 area of red greater than half of the selected rectangular area mentioned above grade 2 area of green greater than half of Twenty younger healthy subjects (10 men mean age of 306 years ± 30 10 women mean age of 299 years ± 27) and 20 older healthy subjects (10 men mean age of 547 years ± 63 10 women mean age of 561 years ± 69) were included Except for age there was no difference in the sex ratio weight and body mass index between younger and older subjects At conventional US examination all healthy subjects had plantar fascia with normal echogenicity The thickness of the plantar fascia between younger and older healthy subjects was the same (24 mm ± 03 vs 27 mm ± 05 P = 19) (Table) The interrater reliability was found to be an ICC of 0792 (95% confidence interval 0532 0908) Twenty symptomatic plantar fasciae of 13 patients with plantar fasciitis (six men mean age of 478 years ± 161 seven women mean age 509 years ± 164) were included in the analysis There was no difference in age sex ratio weight and body mass index between older healthy subjects and those in Sonoelastography depicted homogeneous red coloring of the plantar fascia in younger healthy subjects and scattered yellow or green areas within the redcolored plantar fascia in older healthy subjects The percentage of the plantar fasciae rated as grade 1 was also lower in those older than 50 years This suggests that with aging the plantar fascia of healthy subjects becomes softer These results suggest that agerelated phenomenon of the plantar fascia is at least partially associated with softening In prior studies agerelated softening of tendon was reported (318) Although the plantar fascia is not structurally identical to tendons these findings indicated agerelated softening of the plantar fascia a similar condition noted in tendons With quantitative analysis we found a significantly greater intensity of blue in the plantar fascia of those older than 50 years than those younger than 50 years This greater intensity of blue for the older subjects indicative of mor Author contributionsGuarantors of integrity of entire study CHW WSC TGW study concepts/study design or data acquisition or data analysis/interpretation all authors manuscript drafting or manuscript revision for important intellectual content all authors approval of final version of submitted manuscript all authors literature research CHW KVC SM TGW clinical studies all authors experimental studies KVC WSC statistical analysis CHW and manuscript editing CHW WSC TGW Author ChuehHung Wu KeVin Chang Sun Mio WenShiang Chen TyngGuey WangCited by Publish Year 2011.

Sonoelastography: a New Ultrasound Modality Radiology Key

Sonoelastography revealed that the plantar fascia softens with age and in subjects with plantar fasciitis Sonoelastography of the plantar fascia Radiology 2011 May259(2)5027 doi 101148/radiol11101665 Epub 2011 Feb 25 Authors ChuehHung Wu 1 Author ChuehHung Wu KeVin Chang Sun Mio WenShiang Chen TyngGuey WangCited by Publish Year 2011.

The Role Of Shear Wave Elastography In Differentiating Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis From Breast Cancer Academic Radiology

Sonoelastography: musculoskeletal applications

Sonoelastography: Musculoskeletal Applications Radiology

Plantar Fascia Sonoelastography of the Radiology

Sonoelastography is an in situ method that can be used to assess the mechanical properties of soft tissue qualitatively and quantitatively through US imaging techniques Sonoelastography has demonstrated feasibility in the diagnosis of cancers of the breast and liver and in some preliminary work in several musculoskeletal disorders The main types of sonoelastography are compression Author Andrea S Klauser Hideaki Miyamoto Rosa BellmannWeiler Gudrun M Feuchtner Marius C Wick Werner Cited by Publish Year 2014.