Pantone 5487 C. The RGB values for Pantone PMS 5487 C are 94 121 117 and the HEX code is #5E7975 The LRV for Pantone PMS 5487 C is 1842 The LRV stands for Light Reflectance Value and measures the percentage of light that a color reflects Learn more about Light Reflectance Values and using RGB and Hex codes for paint.

Pantone 5487 C Color Hex Color Code 5d7975 Information Hsl Rgb Pantone pantone 5487 c
Pantone 5487 C Color Hex Color Code 5d7975 Information Hsl Rgb Pantone from

PANTONE 5487 C Cerchi il valori RGB CMYK esadecimale? Visita Pantone Connect per la gamma completa di funzionalità per il colore 15000 colori Pantone Dati e funzioni Colore complete Sul Web per dispositivi mobili e nelle Estensioni Adobe ® Scopri di più.

PANTONE® 5487 C Trova un colore Pantone Strumento di

Shop for Pantone® 5487 C samples and products on Pantone Convert Pantone® 5487 C color into RGB Hex and CMYK values.

Pantone PMS 5487 C Precisely Matched For Spray Paint and Touch Up

Color space information Pantone 5487 C Color | Hex color Code #5D7975 Similar Pantone Color name Information Color Schemes Light / Darkshades Tones Similar Colors Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image.

PANTONE® 5487 C Busque un color Pantone Buscador rápido

5487 C Buscas los valores de RGC CMYK o HEX? Visita Pantone Connect para obtener un conjunto completo de funciones de datos de color 15000 colores Pantone Herramientas y datos de color completos En la web dispositivos móviles y extensiones Adobe ® Aprende más.

Pantone 5487 C Color Hex Color Code 5d7975 Information Hsl Rgb Pantone

PANTONE® 5487 C Find a Pantone Color Quick Online Color

Pantone 5487 C Color Hex color Code #5D7975 information

Pantone 5487 C information, conversion and buy paint

Buy Paint Matching Pantone 5487 CConversion ResultsSimilar RAL Pantone and SherwinWilliams ColorsTints Shades and TonesColor Schemes and PalettesLink This PageDo you want paint that matches this color? Visit our partner MyPerfectColorcom to BUY PAINT >> If you would like paint of another specific color you can also order a CUSTOM SPRAY PAINT >>there The following list contains the conversion results of color Pantone 5487 Cto RGB hexadecimal HSL HSV Lab and XYZ colorspaces each format represents the same color The hexadecimal RGB and HSL values can be used in CSS files to define colors of different objects Select a value easily by clicking on it! The most important note in real life paints might have a different shade compared to as they appear on your display You shall always consult and doublecheck colors with a professional paint provider before you order The following list contains the nearest matching standard colors The left hexagon is the reference the right one is the matched color For each color there is a link to our partner MyPerfectColorcom where you can buy paints of the corresponding colors PANTONE and other Pantone Inc trademarks are the property of Pantone Inc SherwinWilliams colors are property of The SherwinWilliams Company Tints shades and tones are generated from the base color by adding white black and gray paint to it respectively The process results a harmonic color scale You can open any color on a new page by clicking on the desired hexagon Tints These are the color variants which are generated by adding white color to the base Pantone 5487 C color This process results a scale from a dark grayish cyan color to white The coldness of the color remains the same as it gets brigther and brighter This color scale contains similar colors to Morning Blue Steel Teal Xanadu Cadet Blue Ash Gray Opal Silver Chalice Silver Sand Light Gray Silver Platinum Gainsboro Cultured and Isabelline Shades These are the color variants which are generated by adding black color to the base Pantone 5487 C color This process results a scale from a dark grayish cyan color to black The coldness of the color remains the same as it gets darker and darker This color scale contains similar colors to Dark S Color schemes represent a set of colors creating a harmonic and aesthetic feeling Color schemes are generated by choosing colors around the color wheel We can talk about monochromatic complementary triadic and tetradic color schemes choosing one two three or four colors around the color wheel respectively In the following tables these color schemes are present Monochromatic The monochromatic scale is generated by choosing colors on the color wheel near to the base color As the colors of the monochromatic scale are close to each other they create a harmonic feeling This color scale contains cold colors There are variants of green cyan and azure colors in the above items which contain similar colors to Rifle Green Kombu Green Laurel Green Ash Gray Morning Blue Cambridge Blue Dark Slate Gray MSU Green Opal Charcoal Pewter Blue Cadet Grey and Gunmetal Complementary The complementary scale is generated by choosing the color on the opposite side on the color whe You can link and share this page in multiple ways according to the color format you would like to use.