Lukas 1 26 38. Lukas 12638 Konteks Pemberitahuan tentang kelahiran Yesus 126 Dalam bulan yang keenam Allah menyuruh malaikat Gabriel h pergi ke sebuah kota di Galilea bernama Nazaret i 127 kepada seorang perawan yang bertunangan dengan seorang bernama Yusuf j dari keluarga Daud nama perawan itu Maria 128 Ketika malaikat itu masuk ke rumah Maria ia.

Penerbit Toko Rohani Obor Jumat 20 Desember 2019 Pekan Adven Iii Th A Ii St Filigon Novena Natal Hari Ke 5 Bacaan Injil Luk 1 26 38 Renungan Kitab Nabi Yesaya lukas 1 26 38
Penerbit Toko Rohani Obor Jumat 20 Desember 2019 Pekan Adven Iii Th A Ii St Filigon Novena Natal Hari Ke 5 Bacaan Injil Luk 1 26 38 Renungan Kitab Nabi Yesaya from Facebook

The Birth of Jesus Foretold 26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel ( A) to Nazareth ( B) a town in Galilee 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph ( C) a descendant of David The virgin’s name was Mary 28 The angel went to her and said “Greetings you who are highly favored!.

Luk 1:2638 (TB) Tampilan Daftar Ayat Alkitab SABDA

Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Luke 12638 EXEGESIS LUKE 12936 PARALLELS WITH ZECHARIAH Note the parallel wordings in the accounts of the angel&#39s appearance to Zechariah (the father of John the Baptist) and to Mary (Green 83) Luke 11220 (Zacharias) Luke 12936 (Mary) “Zacharias was troubled” (v 12) Mary ” was greatly troubled”.

Luke 1:2638 NIV The Birth of Jesus Foretold In the

Lukas 12638 126 Dalam bulan yang keenam Allah menyuruh malaikat Gabriel pergi ke sebuah kota di Galilea bernama Nazaret 127 kepada seorang perawan yang bertunangan dengan seorang bernama Yusuf dari keluarga Daud nama perawan itu Maria 128 Ketika malaikat itu masuk ke rumah Maria ia berkata “Salam hai engkau yang dikaruniai Tuhan.

Luke 1:2638 – Sermon Writer

Luke 126–38 26 In the sixth month the angel xGabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named yNazareth 27 zto a virgin betrothed2 to a man whose name was Joseph aof the house of David And the virgin’s name was Mary 28 And he came to her and said “Greetings bO favored one cthe Lord is with you!”3 29 But dshe was greatly.

Penerbit Toko Rohani Obor Jumat 20 Desember 2019 Pekan Adven Iii Th A Ii St Filigon Novena Natal Hari Ke 5 Bacaan Injil Luk 1 26 38 Renungan Kitab Nabi Yesaya

Lukas 1:2638

Luke 1:26–38 ESV In the sixth month the… Biblia

Luke 1:2638 Sacred Space

Luke 12638 The Word of God In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David The virgin&#39s name was Mary And he came to her and said “.