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Ameba Pico Virtual World June 1 2013 hi i am a new admin on this pagee! my name is Nikol ) 723723 572 Comments 5 Shares Like Comment Share See All Posts.
THIS game same like ameba pico!!! Marchesha Scotland …
There is Piggparty that has the same art style as Ameba Pico and I believe the mobile version for it but it’s a mainly Japanese game.
Any games like line play? : Lineplay
Well Chinese media company Sina has brazenly made a knockoff of Ameba’s Pico and Pigg games It’s so blatant Some of the items are exactly as they appear in Pico and Pigg See for yourselves at huoxingcom The game is in BETA testing as of its release in August 2011 To register go to http//huoxingcom/usr/signup Then Choose your gender.
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