Flexstack Plus Stacking Module. FlexStackPlus technology creates a resilient single unified system (a stack) of up to eight switches in a homogeneous stack and up to four switches in a mixed stack With a stack bandwidth of up to 80 Gbps the stack functions as a single switching unit that is managed by the active switch If the active switch fails a new active switch is elected keeping the stack.
Release Notes for Catalyst 2960X and 2960XR Switches
With FlexStackPlus technology up to eight members can be joined into a single stack In a mixed stack of Catalyst 2960X and Catalyst 2960S switches FlexStackPlus reverts to FlexStack capabilities of 10 Gbps stack port bandwidth and a maximum of four members per stack Fast Stack Convergence When a single link in a full ring stack becomes inoperable.
C2960x Stack Cisco Flexstack Plus Network Stacking Module For Catalyst 2960x 24