Bmc Currency Exchange Bali. We usually recommend waiting until you arrive in Bali to get your rupiah Money changers in Bali can and will exchange all major currencies In most cases there is no need to bring any other currency other than your own Larger denomination notes will get you a higher exchange rate than smaller notes as will clean undamaged notes.

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BMC Seminyak PT Bali is located opposite the Bintang supermarket There is usually a good rate and it is a credible office so feel comfortable to change as much as you need The BMC money exchange has several offices in Legian .

Money – Visit Bali Indonesia

21 rowsBMC Money Changer MONEY CHANGER Video Company About Us Our Service PT BALI MASPINTJINRA Authorized Money Changer Pastikan segala transaksi valuta asing Anda bersama kami kami siap melayani kebutuhan Anda dengan segala fasilitas terbaik Ready Stok Stok mata uang yang kami selalu ready untuk anda semua Harga Up To Date.

Money Bali Local Guide

5 What currency is best to bring to Bali? The best money changers BMC and Central Kuta Money Exchange tend to have the best exchange rates and a plentiful supply of Indonesian Rupiah so you can bring almost any currency and they will have a solid market rate It really doesn’t matter which currency you bring as they will exchange most currencies without a.

BMC Money Changer

Location Jalan Subita No 21X Denpasar Bali 80236 Indonesia Tel +62 (0)361 237 015 PT Bali Maspintjinra Also known as BMC this authorised money changer has been in business since 1993 and has branches in Kerobokan Legian Sanur and Ubud.


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Number three on the best place to change money in Bali is BMC money changer also known as PT Bali Maspintjinra BMC money changer established on January 12 1993 and until now BMC money changer knew as one of the recommended authorized money changers in Bali Also BMC money changer has many branches all over South Bali.