Batam Training Institute. Furthermore Agung Nurrohmat the director of Training Institute at the Ministry’s Directorate General of Vocational Training and Productivity Coaching revealed the measures taken by the forum aim to accelerate the realization of independence of BLKs including establishing strategic partnerships with various stakeholders Moreover the BLK forum has.

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TEMPOCO Jakarta PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) baru saja menggelar sesi first ride CB150X di AHM Safety Riding & Training Park Cikarang Jawab Barat Senin 13 Desember 2021 Dalam kesempatan ini redaksi Tempo mendapatkan.

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Indonesia Telecommunication & Digital Research Institute (ITDRI) Jemy V Confido noted here on Wednesday that his company provides information and telecommunication services As such it has become their duty to continue to update their products and services so that they could become more relevant for Indonesian citizens The digital talent training.

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Batam’s Batu Ampar port is indeed filled with used goods from Singapore Regarding the circulation of stolen ship spare parts at the Batu Ampar port based on our interview with some regional police officers the police could not move to make arrests This is due to several issues related to procedure First there is no report of loss to the Regional Police so the police.

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Offshore Technology Institute Indonesia Conduct Virtual Training (via Microsoft Team) for Wellhead Control Panel Fusible Plug Panel SIPROD Alarm Panel for Client’s operation team Kreator lainnya Fairley Block 1 Infill Project (BRN) Mei 2020 Feb 2021 Client Brunei Shell Petroleum Sdn Bhd Scope of Supply 1 set Wellhead Control Panel (LP Electronic 6 Well.